Mr.Ch.RamasanyasiRao- Lecturer in Mathematics
“Some Properties of Complemented Inverse Images of FS-Subsets under an FS-Function”, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.9,No.5,2017, P.V.Nageswara Rao,Professor,Dept.Computer Science,GIT,GITAM University,Visakhapatnam,A.P State, India.,S.G.V.Reddy,Associate professor, Dept.Computer Science,GIT,GITAM University,Visakhapatnam,A.P State, India.,Ch.Ramasanyasi Rao, Research Scholar, Dept.of Applied Mathematics,GIS,GITAM University,Visakhapatnam,A.P State, India.
“Some Propertis of Associates of Subsets of FSP-Points Set”, by Vaddiparthi Yogeswara, Biswajit Rath, Ch.Ramasanyasi Rao, D.Raghu Ram, in Society For Science and Educations UNITED KINGDOM,TMLAI Journals,vol:4, Issue:6,ISSN 2054-7390. @ 2016
Dr.V.Yogeswara,BiswajitRath,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,K.V.Umakameswari,D.Raghu Ram participated and presented in International conference on emerging trends in science,Technology,Agriculture and Management-2016 with a paper titled “Fs-B Topology and Theory of Fs-B-Product Topological Space” at Central Agricultural University,Gangtok,Sikkim in collaboration with IMRF Journals, Vol:5,Issue:1(2016) ISSN2278-8697
Dr.V.Yogeswara,BiswajitRath,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,” Fs-Sets and Theory of Fs-B Topology”(The 9th International Conference MSAST 2015,DEC 21-23,2015,Kolkata,India)
V.Yogeswara,BiswajitRath,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,Fs-Sets and Infinite Distributive laws(Mathematical Sciences international research journal vol4 Issue2(2015))
V.Yogeswara,BiswajitRath,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,K.V.Umakameswari,”Generalized definition of image of an Fs-Subset under an Fs-Function-Resultant properties of images”(Mathematical Sciences international research journal vol4 Spl issue ISSN2278-8697)
“Fs-Sets and Infinite distributive laws”, by V.Yogeswara,BiswajitRath,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,Mathematical Sciences,IMRF Journals,Vol:4,Issue:2 ISSN 2278-8697 @ 2015
“Inverse images of Fs-Subsets under an Fs-Function-some results”, by Dr.V.Yogeswara,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,BiswajitRath,K.V.Umakameswari,Mr.D.Raghu Ram,Mathematical Sciences,IMRF Journals,Vol:5,Issue:2 ISSN 2278-8697 @ 2016
“Theory of Inverse images of Fs-Subsets under an Fs-Function-Some observations”, by Dr.V.Yogeswara,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,BiswajitRath,K.V.Umakameswari,Mr.D.Raghu Ram, Fourth international conference on computing,Engineering and technologies(ICCET 2017) held in Mysore,India, Jan 23,2017.
“Preservation of arbitary Fs-Unions and Fs-Intersections by the Inverse of an Fs-Function,by Dr.V.Yogeswara,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,BiswajitRath,K.V.Umakameswari,Mr.D.Raghu Ram, Fourth international conference on computing,Engineering and technologies(ICCET 2017) held in Mysore,India, Jan 23,2017.
“Fs-Sets,Fs-Points and a representation theorem” by Dr.V.Yogeswara, BiswajitRath,Mr.Ch.RamasayaniRao,K.V.Umakameswari,Mr.D.Raghu Ram, Fourth international conference on computing,Engineering and technologies(ICCET 2017) held in Mysore,India, Jan 23,2017.
Mr.Ch.RamasanyasiRao participated in “Elsevier Connect Seminar” held on 17-11-2016, at NOVOTEL,Visakhapatnam.
Mr.Ch.RamasanyasiRao participated in “National program on Technology enhanced learning” organised by IIT Madras, at GITAM UNIVERSITY,VISAKHAPATNAM,15-02-2016
Dr.K.Prasanna Lakshmi – Lecturer in Botany
Prasanna Lakshmi.K.,NarasimhaRao.G.M., and Lakshmi narayana.V.2015.In-Vitro Antimicrobial Acivity of Salicornia brachiata (Roxb) against selected pathogens. World jounals od Pharmaceutical Research. Vol.4(2):1286-1294.
Prasanna Lakshmi.K.,NarasimhaRao.G.M. 2011. Antimicrobial Activity of Suaeda monoica(Forsst ex Geml)Against Human and Plant Pathogens. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences. Vol.4(2):pp:680-685
Prasanna Lakshmi.K.,NarasimhaRao.G.M. 2009.Some Numerical studies on Marine Algae of Visakhapatnam coast. Journal of Algal Biomass utilization,Vol.1(1-2): pp:60-85.
Dr.A.Sujatha – Lecturer in Botany
Bioprospecting for nutraceutically useful marine diatom,Odentella aurita in the South-East Coast of india and medium optimization(2013):Suman Keerthi, A.Sujatha, K.Uma Devi and Nittala S Sarma. International journal of current science 6: E 22-28.
Dr.P.V.D.Soujanya Kumari – Lecturer in Microbiology
P.V.D.Soujanya Kumari, A.Bala Krishna, Anti bacterial effect of selected medicinal plant extracts on strains of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from sewage water, Visakhapatnam, India.2011. Asian Jr. of Microbial. Biotech Env.Sc. 13(2):267-270.
.P.V.D.Soujanya Kumari,V.Ashok Kumar, Isolation of marine actinomycetes producing bio actives. 2012. Asian Jr.of Microbial. Biotech. Env.Sc. 14(2):299-301.
Seetha Ram Kotra. V.Viharika, K.Sitarami Reddy, PVD Soujanya Kumari, M.Lakshminadh, K.V.Rajesh, T.Gopi Sivasai, R.Sai Lokesh. “Cost effective optimization of chitinase production using Streptomyces heteromorphus 4075: Aprogressive statistical approach.” 2013. Pakhtunkhwa Journal of Life Sciences. 1(3):100-119.
Jaya Lakshmi.G, Seetha Ram Kotra, P.V.D.Soujanya Kumari, p.Balakota Reddy, J.B.Peravalil and K.R.S.Samba Siva Rao, “Economical production of recombinant human interleukin,17E using Industrially Important Salt Inducible Escherichia coli Gj1158-A fermentation Approach”. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol.68(2014),pp:23-36
Jaya Lakshmi.G, Seetha Ram Kotra,G.Ram Mohan,T.Anand,P.Narendra Kumar,B.K.Srinivas Prasal,PVD Soujanya Kumari,P.Balakota Reddy, J.B.Peravali and K.R.S.S.Rao, “Site Directed Mutagenesis, Molecular Cloning and Expression of interleukin-17E to Generate Structural Variant with Escherichia coli GJ1158”. International Journal Advanced Science and Technology Vol.75(2015),pp.11-20.
Mr.V.Tejeswara Rao – Lecturer in Chemistry
Acceptance for Poster presentation in “Chemical ASciences Section of the 104th Indian Science Congress”schduled to be held in in Sri Venkateswara University,Tirupati(A.P) during January 3-7,2017.
One Day National Seminar on Recent Developments in NanoChemistry, RDNC-2014, 12th Dec 2014.
Two Day National Seminar on Green Chemistry Devwelopment(GPDAM),20-21 Dec 2013.
“Direct and Derivative Spectrometric Determination of Cobalt (II) using 3,4-DihydroxyBenzaldehyde-1-(3-Chloro-2-Quinoxalinyl)Hydrazone(DHBCQH) in Presence of Micelle Medium”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 3,Issue 4, April 2013, ISSN 2250-3153
Dr.N.Padma Sirisha – Lecturer in Biotechnology
Impact of Socio-Economic Status on Prevalence of overweight and obesity among urban school children of Visakhapatnam, North coastal,Andhrapradesh, International Journal of current Research, Volume:3, Issue7, PP 15-20, July 2011.