M.V.R. Degree College affiliated to the Andhra University was established in the year 1991 under the management of Priyadarshini Educational Academy. The College offers different courses in science, commerce and arts at graduate and faculty of science at P.G level. It is a co-educational institution offering various job-oriented, restructured, vocational and conventional courses approved by Andhra University & A.P. State Council of Higher Education. During the year 1997 the college got permanent affiliation and in the same year it was admitted into 2 (f) & 12B of UGC act. We are proud to say that our institution has been assessed by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2008.
The college has well qualified and experienced faculty. Many of them are Ph.D., and M.Phil., Degree holders. Members of the staff are committed to work with the organisation to provide and promote qualitative education, which is the prime objective of our institutions. The college has well equipped laboratories, library and other infrastructural facilities. Ours is the first college to introduce Biotechnology at the graduate level in Andhra Pradesh. Since inception of the college, it has been maintaining discipline, high standards of education, achieving good results and many 1st Ranks every year, in different common entrance tests, conducted by various Universities. The college encourages the students to join in NCC.,NSS., Sports and participate in literary and cultural activities.

NCC and NSS :
The aim of N.C.C. is to develop trained, disciplined youth force for recruitment into armed forces as officers to develop sportsmanship and leadership. Our students are encouraged to participate in Republic day parades at Secunderabad and New Delhi. The National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) of the college aims at the service of the community by involving those students who can offer their time, talent and energy to voluntary social work to get a feeling of being useful to the society. It will train them to fulfill their social responsibility as proud citizens. Our students are participating in programmes like JanmaBhumi, Adult Education, Pulse Polio, HIV/ AIDS awareness, Red Ribbon Club, Eye Donation awareness, Traffic Rules awareness and Voters Day awareness etc., every year we are conducting blood donation camp in which enthusiastic youth participate. Our college is also organizing NSS youth festival and one day work shops on social problems.
Research Activities :
The college encourages faculty members to register for research programmes like M.Phil / Ph.D (Part -time). Teachers are given study / duty leave for attending Refresher / Oriented courses / Seminars / conferences / workshops, whenever they participate and present papers. Center for Research was granted by Andhra University in Chemistry. The College also encourages the staff to utilize major instruments to do research work as the labs are well equipped with latest infrastructure to carryout research activities.
National Seminars & Symposium :
1. National Seminar on Higher Education in Private Sector: Problems and Challenges in Teaching.
2. National Seminar on Samajika chaitanyam – Telugu Sahityam.
3. National Seminar on Environmental pollution and Role of Biotechnology,20-21 Oct,2010
4. National Seminar on Right to Education – Issues and concerns for universalization,28-29 Dec,2010
5. National Seminar on Chemistry of Bio – Active Natural Products,16-17,Mar,2011
6. National Seminar on Marine resources – the future scope
7. National Seminar on Hindi Seminar – Akhilabharatiya paripreksh mei Techniki sabdavali ka saralikaran
8. National Seminar on Hindi Seminar – Bhowtik aur Rasayanik mei Techiniki shabdavali ka prayog.
9. National Seminar on Conservation, Cultivation & Biotechnology of Medicinal plants.2009-10
10. National Seminar on Chemistry of Bio Active Natural Products, Sponsored by DST, Conducted on 16-17 March 2011.
11. National Seminar on Reading and Teaching problems in Hindi for Degree students in A.P. Sponsored by Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra, Organised on 16-17 Oct 2015.
12. National Seminar on Tribhsha Vigyan Sabdhavali nirman ki prakriya aur samasyan, Organised in colloboration with MHRD, on 16-17 Dec 2015.
13. National Seminar on Plant Sciences and Human welfare, Sponsored by DST, on 26-27 Aug 2016.
14. National Seminar on Forest Ecology,Tribal Livelihoods and substantial Development: Issues and Challenges, Sponsored by ICSSR-New Delhi, on 17-18 March 2016.