1. The Present Final year students(2016-17) have year end Examinations during the month of march
Examination schedule for B.Sc,B.B.A & B.Com
Practical Examinations – 1-03-2017
Commencement of Theory Examinations – 15-03-2017
Publication of Results at the end of April 2017
2. From the academic year 2005-2006 the University is conducting the Instant Examination for all the degree students, those who have failed in final year in one theory subject, here after if there is any change/ modification in the syllabus, there will be no transistory provision for the degree examinations of this university. The candidates have to write examinations as perthe syllabus in existence.
Examination Schedule for I,II,III & Iv Semesters B.Sc/B.Com/B.B.A
I Mid for I & III semesters commences from 22-08-16
II Mid for I & III semesters commences from 21-09-16
Commencement of practical examinations for I & III Semesters 20-10-16 to 25-10-16
Commencement of Theory examinations for III Semester 1-11-16 to 08-11-16
Commencement of Theory examinations for I Semester 09-11-16 to 06-11-16
Commencement of I MID for II & IV Semesters 06-02-17
Commencement of II MID for II & IV Semesters 08-03-17
Commencement of Practical Examinations for II & IV Semesters 03-04-17
Commencement of Theory examinations for IV Semester 13-04-17
Commencement of Theory examinations for II Semester 22-04-17